Recharge Your Workout Motivation!

However fit and active you may be, we’re all prone to periods of burnout and low motivation. Maybe you hit a plateau and feel discouraged about a lack of progress. Maybe the holiday season means lots of travel, disrupting your normal fitness routine. Whether you’re a chronic quitter or a seasoned pro hitting a stumbling block, it helps to know what you need to recharge your motivation and get back on track with your fitness goals.

Here’s what to do!

6 Steps to Reigniting Your Fitness Motivation

Step #1 – Lose your “all or nothing” mentality.

Do you know what will kill your motivation to work out? The thought that anything less than a full exercise every day isn’t worth it. That isn’t true, but so many people will write off a whole week after missing out on a day or two of their fitness routine.

We do the same thing with our eating habits, too. We’ll think “well, I’ve already blown it, so might as well...” and use it as an excuse to miss more days or eat more junk. Fitness is not an all-or-nothing journey. You must give yourself grace when your schedule is thrown off. You can start again tomorrow. Remember, if you’re exercising at all, you’re already leaps and bounds ahead of the guy still sitting on the couch.

Step #2 – Determine what you really need.

A loss of motivation can spring from frustration. Are you giving your body what it needs? It may be helpful to consult a certified nutritionist to ensure that you’re fueling your body efficiently. What you eat, how much or how little, can impact the effectiveness of your workout. Reassess your goals and focus on giving yourself every chance to accomplish them.

Step #3 – Remember why you’re doing it.

If you want motivation to stick, you need a lasting reason for doing it. The desire to get the perfect beach body, for example, only motivates you for so long. However, working out to reduce long-term health risks is a much better incentive. If it means you can play with your grandkids and stay sharp into your Twilight years, well...that’s worth it! 

Step #4 – Take a holistic approach.

Physical fitness goes beyond working out. When you take a holistic approach to fitness, you’re giving yourself the best chance to stay energized and motivated. It’s hard to muster the will to go on that early morning run if you’re not getting quality sleep. Eating junk will make you feel sluggish and unwell. As much as you focus on physically working out, focus on taking care of your body in other ways, too. Get enough sleep and fuel your body with nutritious whole foods. 

Step #5 – Find accountability.

Sometimes we just need someone to keep us on track. Self-management is difficult, and some are better at it than others. Find someone to keep you accountable. It can be a friend you run with, a stranger to compete against in the Fitbit app, a personal trainer, or a group that trains for marathons together. 

Adding a social element to fitness can not only be a motivator, but it means you have someone in your corner encouraging you to keep going when the going gets tough.

Step #6 – Plan for disruptions.

Disruptions are a natural part of life. Don’t use them as an excuse to throw away your hard work. Instead, plan around these interruptions. If you know you’ll be traveling, scope out accommodations that include gyms or close access to trails. 

If you get sick, don’t try to work through it. While light exercise can aid in recovery, straining yourself can cause major setbacks. Again, it’s the dangerous all-or-nothing mentality causing the problem here! It’s okay to take a break. It’s okay to rest. It’s even okay to focus on other things. 

However, quitting entirely is going to make it harder to start again – especially since you’ll be starting from square one again. When your life is disrupted, have a plan B. Even if it’s getting out there fewer days or for shorter workouts, it’s still worth doing. 

Trust me, I’m a busy guy. I know making time for this stuff is easier said than done. But I’m also telling you it’s worth it. 

What helps you stay motivated? Share your tips in the comments.