How Great Leaders Collaborate with Difficult People

How Great Leaders Collaborate with Difficult People

No matter where you land on the professional ladder, you will be surrounded by other people. And you may not get along with those people. We’re human! Sometimes others rub us the wrong way, earn our ire, or are just plain difficult to work with. It might not even involve personal problems – maybe you don’t mesh. 

Even the most accomplished leaders understand that effectively working with people they find difficult or unlikeable is an inevitable part of their journey, regardless of industry.

Taking the high road and doing what’s best for business isn’t always easy when emotions get in the way. Here’s how I’ve learned to navigate working with people I don’t necessarily get along with.

The Secrets to Building Running Endurance

The Secrets to Building Running Endurance

I’ve been endurance running for a long time now. It’s one of my favorite things to do—I feel accomplished, invigorated, and at my best when running. But I also recognize that not everyone has such a positive experience with running. It can seem like a daunting sport to join. After all, how do you go from never running in your daily life to breezing through a 50-mile race? 

It seems like a lot. But most of us also know that endurance running has vast benefits. Getting started seems like such an ordeal! So, how do you go from couch potato to running aficionado?

How to Handle the Most Challenging Moments in Leadership

How to Handle the Most Challenging Moments in Leadership

Leadership is both an honor and a huge responsibility. As the adage goes, “Heavy is the head that wears the crown!”

Now, I wouldn’t compare any great leader to a king. In business, we’re not dealing with absolute power but with vision and service. Leadership is a profoundly interpersonal role. It’s never about making proclamations from on high but rather getting in the trenches alongside your team. 

And with that comes some painful, difficult situations. I’ve been in those positions many a time and learned (sometimes painfully) how to navigate some of the biggest curveballs in the biz. It wasn’t fun, but at least I can share what I learned to help you avoid some of the pains of leadership challenges.

7 Nutrition Myths Keeping You from Peak Fitness

7 Nutrition Myths Keeping You from Peak Fitness

I’ve written about the prevalence of fitness and nutrition myths before. Maybe that's not too surprising when the diet and weight loss industry is worth a hefty $90 billion. There’s money in engineering so-called shortcuts. Of course, not all myths are a matter of snake oil – they’re just misinformation that’s been repeated or outdated advice based on now-disproven theories.

Either way, nutrition myths might keep you from achieving your fitness goals. After all, these two go hand-in-hand. So, let’s break down a few popular myths and expose the truth together!

Exposing 9 Leadership Red Flags (And What to Do About Them)

Exposing 9 Leadership Red Flags (And What to Do About Them)

Red flags are warning signs. We don’t have a beach here in Tennessee, but I’ve traveled enough to be familiar with the flags used to convey ocean safety: red for high hazards, green for a-okay, purple for jellyfish, and so on. Red flags are warnings. “Proceed at your own risk,” knowing you may be treading into dangerous waters.

But red flags aren’t just for the beach. They might be less obvious, but they’re certainly there – the warning signs that things aren’t all as they should be. Recognizing leadership red flags in yourself and others is not just a skill but a superpower that can help you grow as a leader and build healthier, more effective teams while avoiding serious hazards.

Are You Suffering from Tech Burnout?

Are You Suffering from Tech Burnout?

I’m admittedly not much of a TikTok person, but I couldn’t help but watch the U.S. ban unfold (and then refold in a matter of hours). Regardless of the official reasoning, it made me think about the grip technology has on our lives. Millennials were the last generation to know life that wasn’t inundated with smartphones, streaming, and an “always on” digital mindset. 

And I think because of that, we’ve lost something of ourselves. Technology can be enormously beneficial. I’m not at all anti-tech. But I am for healthy, responsible usage. Easier said than done!

When the Moment of Truth Comes, Will You Flinch?

When the Moment of Truth Comes, Will You Flinch?

Flinching. It’s an instinctive self-preservation reaction when faced with a threat. But we don’t just flinch when in physical danger. We can flinch psychologically, too – having an immediate adverse reaction to something as a defense mechanism. Sometimes, that flinch reaction comes from past experiences (trauma) or fear.

Business leaders may flinch when faced with uncertainty, high-stakes decision-making, and significant setbacks. What causes these reactions – and more importantly, how can we fortify ourselves to avoid flinching in a critical moment?

Think Twice Before Using Preworkout to Meet Your Fitness Goals

Think Twice Before Using Preworkout to Meet Your Fitness Goals

Supplements have long been used as a nutrition shortcut – filling in the gaps where diet or biology may lack essential vitamins and minerals. However, supplements are increasingly used for other purposes. Weight loss supplements are nothing new, and protein powders are marketed as an easy way to bulk up.

Preworkout is one such supplement. These dietary add-ons supposedly increase workout efficiency, boost performance, and help athletes compete at a higher level. But what are they, exactly? And are they all they’re cracked up to be?

7 Strategies for Healing a Passive-Aggressive Workplace

7 Strategies for Healing a Passive-Aggressive Workplace

Have you ever been passive-aggressive? Most of us have, at one time or another – demonstrated avoidance, undermining clear communication, and appeasing without follow-through. Some passive-aggressive behaviors are easier to spot and call out than others, but all are utterly toxic to the workplace.

Passive-aggressive behavior creates an unhealthy cycle of miscommunication, frustration, and avoidance. It erodes teamwork, productivity, and overall office morale. Addressing it promptly through open communication, feedback, and conflict resolution can help prevent it from becoming a major issue. But it can be easier said than done!

How to REALLY Recommit to Your Fitness Goals in 2025

How to REALLY Recommit to Your Fitness Goals in 2025

The few days between Christmas and the new year seem like a blur. Vacation means losing track of days, eating too much cheese and pie, and feeling completely unequipped to jump into the “new year, new me” mantra. No wonder resolutions fail. Whether or not you fell off the fitness wagon for the holiday season, refocusing on your wellness goals isn’t always easy.

Maybe you’re discouraged by a lack of progress. Perhaps you met your goals, but maintaining them is boring. Whatever your reason, the new year is a good time to refresh and reignite your passion to strive for the best “you” you can be!

6 Strategies for Burned-Out Professionals to Find Meaningful Rest

6 Strategies for Burned-Out Professionals to Find Meaningful Rest

While the outward perception of the holiday season is merry and bright, most of us understand that what we see on the outside doesn’t always reflect the truth. The holidays are hard. The end of the year is brutal. Different people experience a whole host of hardships this time of year, from getting presents under the tree and making magic for their families to those trying to keep their businesses – and heads – above water for the new year. 

Even if things are fine financially, the stress of getting all your ducks in a row, all the year-end reviews and data in, and everything you feel needs to be done can be overwhelming, stressful, and downright depressing.

8 Overlooked Ways Great Leaders Prepare for the New Year

8 Overlooked Ways Great Leaders Prepare for the New Year

We’re almost to the 2024 finish line. This year has been undoubtedly memorable – and not always for good reasons. You may feel burned out, exhausted, and less excited than ever to start it all over again in 2025. Trust me, I know how it can feel. But as entrepreneurs and business leaders, we can’t afford to drag our feet into the new year.

This is How Tech Helps (and Hurts) Us in the Workplace

This is How Tech Helps (and Hurts) Us in the Workplace

A recent Fast Company article revealed that psychologist Gloria Mark discovered a dramatic drop in our attention span in front of screens. In 2004, our attention span was 2.5 minutes. In 2020, it had dropped to a paltry 47 seconds. Some would quickly blame tech use for this shift – or individual apps like TikTok. 

But technology is a tool. Like any tool, it can be wielded with purpose or used carelessly. It’s the knife that chops your vegetables versus the knife that slices your finger! It’s the same knife. The difference is in how it’s wielded. 

Technology in the workplace can be both a positive and a negative influence, depending on how it is implemented and used. If we’re going to maximize the positives, we need to understand both risks and benefits!

10 Ideas to Show Appreciation for Your Team During the Holiday Season

10 Ideas to Show Appreciation for Your Team During the Holiday Season

Something about the holidays can make the coldest of hearts grow warm. I love this time of year – the time I spend with friends and family is priceless. If you’re a boss or in any leadership role, you understand, too, that the holiday spirit doesn’t – and shouldn’t – stay out of the workplace. It’s infectious in the best way and can be enormously beneficial for everyone.

Showing appreciation during the holiday season is a meaningful way for leaders to boost morale and reinforce team cohesion. Studies show that holiday spirit (and gratitude for your people) can reduce turnover and increase productivity.

Yes, Your Mindset Determines Your Physical Wellbeing

Yes, Your Mindset Determines Your Physical Wellbeing

They say half the battle is in the mind – and I would agree. Links between mindset and performance are well-documented. As much as we wish meeting and maintaining our health goals (whether diet or fitness-related) was as easy as doing it, the mental aspect is a roadblock many people wrestle with. 

I know there is an ebb and flow of motivation in my own journey. I have to have more than willpower. I’ve found I’m more successful not when I focus on my desire to do things but more on discipline and changing my mindset. If you’ve found yourself struggling in this area, keep reading. 

7 Strategies to Avoid Year-End Burnout

7 Strategies to Avoid Year-End Burnout

Is it just me, or is the end of the year tough? So many times, we hit a point in the fourth quarter where we feel we’ll limp across the finish line. Ending not with a bang but a whimper. If you’re like me, you really can’t stand that feeling. We want to finish strong!

But if you are feeling this way, take heart. End-of-year burnout is a common challenge as we juggle wrapping up projects, setting next year’s goals, and managing personal holiday commitments. The good news? Because it’s common, there are plenty of proven strategies to pull from to mitigate and avoid those year-end woes.

7 Steps for Getting the Most Out of Your Workouts

7 Steps for Getting the Most Out of Your Workouts

Any movement is good movement. But if I’m taking the time and effort to carve out time for a serious workout, I want to see results. Fitness efforts build over time – I’m not talking about some magical way to see instant abs. But if you want to have an efficient workout – the “most bang for your buck,” so to speak – you must be intentional about it.

Believe it or not, how you prepare and approach your workout determines your results as much as the exercise. Here are seven rules to follow to get the most out of your workout, whether you’re hitting the gym or the running trails.

How to Keep Failures from Haunting You Forever

How to Keep Failures from Haunting You Forever

Most of us aren’t haunted by ghosts or ghouls. The number one thing that “haunts” human beings? Our failures. Our mistakes. Those moments when we came up short – when we took a swing and totally whiffed it. The ol’ swing and a miss. 

I know I’ve had times when thinking about failures didn’t result in a simple “cringe” moment. I just couldn’t let those mistakes go, no matter how long it had been or how far I’d come from the person I was.