6 Strategies for Burned-Out Professionals to Find Meaningful Rest

While the outward perception of the holiday season is merry and bright, most of us understand that what we see on the outside doesn’t always reflect the truth. The holidays are hard. The end of the year is brutal. Different people experience a whole host of hardships this time of year, from getting presents under the tree and making magic for their families to those trying to keep their businesses – and heads – above water for the new year. 

Even if things are fine financially, the stress of getting all your ducks in a row, all the year-end reviews and data in, and everything you feel needs to be done can be overwhelming, stressful, and downright depressing.

At the end of it all, you’re probably burned out. And believe me, getting un-burned out is easier said than done.

Burned-out professionals need intentional strategies to rest and recharge effectively. Here’s what actually works:

6 Strategies for Getting Rid of Business Burnout

Ideally, we prevent burnout in the first place. Prevention, after all, is the best cure. But we also know the reality – it happens to the best of us. Healing, resting, and returning to top form is much more complex than it seems. It’s not as easy as having a restful weekend. So, instead, be intentional about employing these strategies:

Strategy #1 – Physical Rest

Sleep Hygiene – Prioritize quality sleep by maintaining a consistent sleep schedule, limiting screen time before bed, and creating a relaxing bedtime routine. I can’t stress how important this is. Pay attention to your sleep “pain points” and take the time to address them. Is the temperature right? Are you able to stay comfortable? How’s your pillow or mattress support? Are you sleeping in a good position? Give yourself the best chance possible for quality sleep. It makes a difference in virtually every aspect of your life! 

Active Rest – Rest doesn’t always mean naps in the recliner or sleeping well at night. Active rest matters, too. Incorporate low-intensity exercises like yoga, stretching, or leisurely walks to alleviate physical tension without overexerting. These things help release muscle tension and feel-good endorphins. 

Strategy #2 – Mental Unplugging

Digital Detox – Set boundaries for work-related emails and social media to reduce overstimulation. Pay attention to how scrolling certain apps makes you feel. Does it make you stressed, upset, depressed? Disable or delete the app. It’s okay to tune some things out if they’re not benefiting you. 

Mindfulness Practices – Engage in meditation, deep breathing exercises, or journaling to calm the mind and refocus. Even just carving out some time for undistracted quiet can bring significant benefits.

Strategy #3 – Social and Emotional Recharge

Connect Meaningfully – Spend time with friends or family who provide support and positivity. Good attitudes are contagious, and we all need a reliable support system. Be mindful of “energy vampires” in your life, too – those you find overly negative or draining to be around. It might be time to disengage from those relationships.

Say No – Protect your time and energy by setting boundaries on social and professional obligations. You can say “no.” The world won’t end, I promise. 

Strategy #4 – Reconnecting with Joy

Hobbies and Passions – Revisit hobbies you love or try new activities that inspire curiosity and creativity. As a professional, adopting the role of lifelong learner is one of the best things you can do. My hobby of choice is endurance running. Yours may be sport, an art, or the joy of making something just for the sake of making it. Don’t be afraid to explore.

Playful Activities – Engage in something purely for fun, like games, art, or spending time in nature. Our culture drives us to monetize everything, and that’s just going to create more burnout. Sometimes, the only gain you need is fun and enjoyment!

Strategy #5 – Professional Detachment

Scheduled Breaks – Plan extended time away from work, such as a staycation or vacation. Remember to unplug! 

Delegate and Offload – Reduce your workload by delegating tasks or seeking support. Most people burn out because they take on too much. Think of the phrase, “burning the wick at both ends.”

Strategy #6 – Micro-Restorative Practices

Short Breaks – Integrate 5-10 minute breaks into your day for quick resets like stretching or breathing exercises. Get up. Walk around. Give your brain a break. The human attention span only lasts so long. Breaks are necessary to maintain deep focus.

Your path to recharging will differ from mine, but consistency in these practices and permission to prioritize self-care make all the difference. Let yourself rest. Prioritize rest. It’s just as important as the work. Rest is not counter-productive. Quite the opposite!

How do you rest effectively when you’re burned out and run down? Share your best tips in the comments.