Yes, You Need to Take that Summer Vacation

As an entrepreneur, taking an annual vacation is a lot easier said than done. I’ve recommended it many times, but I know how hard it can be to get away! When you’re an entrepreneur, you’re on the hook for it all. Unless you’ve fully established your business with capable employees that can get it all done in your absence, a vacation can look like a net loss.

After all, going on vacation costs money no matter how fiscally responsible you may be! And if you’re flying your business solo, any time off is time you’re not making money.

That can be a scary prospect and one that hardly seems worth it just to get away. But I’m telling you: take that vacation. Here’s why.

6 Reasons Entrepreneurs NEED an Annual Vacation

Reason #1 – You need the mental reset.

Imagine your brain is a computer. Over time, if you work without ever shutting the machine down, your system becomes plagued by a dizzying number of tabs and delayed updates. When too much memory is used up, your processing speed slows. Work becomes a slog, not only because there are too many windows up, but because the system itself has slowed to a crawl.

That’s your brain without a break – bogged down and distracted, burned out and busted.

Your vacation is the reset your system needs. It will clear your mind from distractions and allow you to come back with the right mindset.

Reason #2 – Stress kills creativity.

You can’t run on an empty tank. Trying to get by on fumes doesn’t last and it can do major damage! Don’t underestimate the impact of stress on your mind and body. It can play a role in headaches, high blood pressure, risk of heart disease, weight fluctuations, insomnia, muscle cramps and tension, depression, and anxiety.

It also hinders motivation, focus, and creativity. Go on vacation to prevent burnout and reduce stress – you’ll be surprised just how much better you’ll feel.

Reason #3 – Your body needs it.

Sometimes you just need to relax. Entrepreneurs are used to pulling 50- and 60-hour workweeks. You’re constantly working overtime, going above and beyond to get things done. You no doubt carry tension in your muscles: strained from leaning over a laptop for hours on end, exhausted and bleary-eyed. A constant cycle of early mornings and late nights will take its toll in time.

Get ahead of future health problems by prioritizing bodily wellbeing.

Reason #4 – You’ll test all you’ve built.

If your business has a team of employees, you’ve set systems in place. You’ve lent trust. Vacation isn’t just time for you to get away, but time for you to put your systems to the test. Will your team be able to step up and handle things on their own? Or will they feel the need to contact you about every little hiccup?

You need to know that things won’t totally fall apart in your absence. Delegate well and you will be able to relax while your business continues to run.

Reason #5 – You can focus on what matters most.

Distance from the rat race allows you to remember why you work so hard. Sometimes when you’re stuck in the middle of endless and hard workdays, you’ll find yourself losing sight of the things that truly matter to you. Vacation allows you to experience small joys in life and spend time with the people who mean the most to you – the people you’re no doubt working so hard for!

This chance to refocus means that you will return to work with your eye on the prize.


Last, and hear me: You deserve to go on vacation! Entrepreneurs often feel like they’re never doing enough. You’ll face insurmountable challenges and impossible choices. Your days are grueling and, frankly, it takes major cojones to do what you do. Don’t undervalue just how much time and effort you’re putting in. You work hard.

And because you work hard, you deserve a reprieve every now and then. Vacations are both a reward and an opportunity. Instead of solely investing in your business, you’re investing in yourself. That self-investment then impacts your business, your family, your team, and your future.

Don’t miss out on the opportunity!

Why do or don’t you take a vacation? Share your thought process in the comments!