9 Ways to Boost Your Creativity in the Workplace

Creativity isn’t an inherent, unchangeable quality. It’s a muscle, a skill to be flexed and developed. Entrepreneurs in particular need a strong creative drive. Business leaders, too, should never underestimate the infinite value of a creative mind.

Unfortunately, American business culture isn’t particularly conducive to creativity. So how to you become a more creative problem solver, innovator, and expert? Here are my top tips to whip your right brain into shape!

9 Habits to Strengthen Your Creative Muscle

Habit #1 – Check out other industries.

It might seem like a waste of time to devote precious mental energy to an industry you’re not in. You might be surprised, though, at how inspiring it can be! How do they do things? Do their ideas and processes transfer to your industry? What does excellence look like in their field?

Not only can you take a page from their book, but you create curiosity in yourself to learn more – and that leads to creativity!

Habit #2 – Pursue collaboration.

It’s easy to get set in our own ways. We do things how we do them and it doesn’t change. That’s where collaboration comes in! Work with people with different experience levels and expertise. You may find inexperience breeds creativity. Working with someone allows you to brainstorm, pitch ideas, and work through them with more perspective and creative energy.

Habit #3 – Exercise more.

Is there anything exercise doesn’t help? Stress can hinder your natural creativity. Exercise eases stress. Not only that but certain types of exercise, like walking and running, are known to improve brain function. That’s not to mention the chance to get fresh air and take in the sights. You might not be struck by inspiration immediately, but you’d be surprised how many great ideas strike when you’re doing something physically demanding.

Habit #4 – Pump yourself up with a playlist.

Craft a work playlist that you love. The right kind of music engages your brain – specifically, the right side of your brain – and boosts your mood. It might seem small but replacing the silence with sound keeps you from getting in a rut with your thoughts.

Habit #5 – Give yourself boundaries.

Creativity flourishes under restrictions. Do yourself a favor and exclude all the obvious solutions to a problem. Though they ultimately might contain the best solution, ignoring them in the brainstorming phase forces you to come up with creative solutions. Try out an idea you don’t like. See if you can make it work. Giving yourself parameters is a surprisingly effective way to encourage a creative mindset.

Habit #6 – Read something new.

I’m a big fan of lifelong learning. Like acquainting yourself with a variety of industries, reading something new sparks your creative spirit. Pick up a book about something you’ve always been curious about. Trade your go-to genre for something new. Read some sci-fi. There’s merit in learning and reading just about anything, even if there’s no clear application to the job you do.

Habit #7 – Ask the experts.

How are the best of the best doing it? An expert perspective should inspire you to reach new heights of your own. This is partly why mentoring relationships are so powerful! Figure out how the best of the best generate ideas, solve problems, and unleash their creativity…then find what unlocks your creative side!

Habit #8 – Recapture the art of play.

Play isn’t just for recess. Remember, stress inhibits the creative process. Play, on the other hand, reduces stress and stimulates brain function and creativity! It unlocks your inner child and stimulates brain growth. Play doesn’t have to be childish, either. Have a family game night. Join an ultimate frisbee team. Express your artistic side. All these activities translate into a healthier, more creative brain!

Habit #9 – Embrace boredom.

We’re trained to avoid boredom at all costs. We’re a culture deeply uncomfortable with silence – always filling it with a podcast, a TV show, a distraction. Embrace that time where you’re not doing anything. Daydream. Let your mind wander. Instead of “shutting off your brain” with a distraction, use your down time to generate ideas. They might not be good ideas. They might not be relevant ideas. But they’re still ideas!

Just unplug, step back, and let your brain do what it does best.

What do you do when you need that spark of creativity? Share in the comments!