I’m a busy guy. That means I’m also a podcast guy, whether listening on a run or a long drive. I find podcasts are a great tool when you don’t have the time or attention span to dive into a book. But let’s be honest – not all podcasts are created equal. Finding that sweet spot of entertaining, engaging hosts and solid, worthwhile information isn’t easy.
How to Ease the Impact of Workplace Distractions
There are countless opportunities for distractions in the workplace. As business owners and leaders, it’s our responsibility to mitigate these instances. Unfortunately, not all attention-stealers and productivity-killers are things we can control.
I’m here to go over the most common distractions in the office – both those within your control and beyond it. When we know how to deal with both, we’ll better equip our team to thrive and succeed. Here’s what you need to know, boss:
6 Rules for Making Healthy Choices at Restaurants
Have you ever tried to stick to healthy eating habits only to feel sabotaged at every turn? You can buy the right foods, ban junk food from the house, and practice meal prep. You can do everything right and still mess up when restaurants enter the equation. It doesn’t matter if it’s a work luncheon, a date night, or a too-tired-to-cook DoorDash delivery – eating out can throw your nutritional goals off base.
Now, there’s nothing wrong with an indulgent meal occasionally. We don’t need to be so strict that we don’t enjoy food. What I’m getting at here is advice for people who want to make healthy choices but find it challenging to do so when they go out to eat.
7 Ways to Keep Your Dreams Grounded and Within Reach
As entrepreneurs, we’re constantly told to chase our dreams. After all, striking out, being your own boss, calling the shots – that’s what people think of when they think of pursuing this path. It is the dream. But sometimes, our pie-in-the-sky ambitions can hold us back from real success here and now.
There’s a difference between the dream of owning your own business and dreaming of winning the lottery. Growing infatuated with unrealistic goals will derail your progress. I don’t want to see any young entrepreneurs squander their potential on the unattainable – so here are a few ways to keep your ambitions big but still within reach.
What Entrepreneurs Can Learn from the Dreaded Marathon Wall
The “marathon wall” is a phenomenon marathon runners dread during a race. It typically hits around the 20-mile mark.
The wall represents a point in the race where runners feel a significant depletion of energy and encounter a range of physical and mental challenges. This can include feelings of extreme fatigue, muscle cramps, mental exhaustion, and a sense that continuing the race is no longer possible. For the untrained runner, the wall can be enormously challenging to overcome!
The Transformative Power of a Leader’s Apology
Sometimes, I make mistakes. We all do! Big or small, I guarantee these errors impact your relationships, both with yourself and with those affected. I see a line of thought from time to time: the idea that leaders should never apologize. And with all due respect, I think that’s ludicrous.
When I’ve wronged someone with a bad judgment call, a thoughtless word, or any other way, it damages the relationship. Leaders know that success is all about the strength of their working relationships. You will hurt someone along the way, whether it’s your team or your clientele. That’s just life.
10 Habits that Naturally Improve Your Energy Levels
I don’t know about you, but I don’t have the energy levels I had in my twenties. These days, even the thought of pulling an all-nighter and running purely on espresso makes me tired. The older we get, the more fatigue sets in. It may seem like you don’t have the energy to make it through the day like you used to.
If You Want to Lead Others, Start with Yourself
What makes a leader great? We can debate essential leadership qualities or look at case studies to try and craft the ideal leader. I think, though, that it all starts with the proper foundation. The old adage says, “Physician, heal thyself!”
We would do well to apply that to our role as bosses, managers, entrepreneurs, and thought leaders. Lead thyself! After all, if you can’t effectively self-govern, what makes you believe you can do it for others?
Self-leadership is taking charge of our actions, behaviors, and development. We must cultivate the capacity to achieve personal and professional goals, make responsible decisions, and adapt to challenges.
How to Fight Against the Unexpected Enemy of Innovation
Nostalgia marketing is at an all-time high. Just look at the sea of films that remake old favorites or exploit an 80s IP that prime moviegoers remember from childhood. Whether it’s Barbie, G.I. Joe, Transformers, or the umpteenth live-action remake of a Disney classic, most of us can recognize when businesses try to use nostalgia to boost their bottom line.
10 Surprising Effects of Nutrition on the Body
Why does what we eat really matter? Because we live in a culture hyper-focused on appearance rather than health, our understanding of the significance of nutrition is distorted. Too many people think it’s solely about finding the right number on the scale. Our motivations to eat well – to eat whole, nutritious foods – don’t start and stop with weight.
10 Reasons You Should Over Communicate with Your Team
You might have an adverse reaction to the thought of “over communicating.” After all, your perception might be of a constant stream of annoying emails or condescension. But that’s not what I’m talking about here!
For those in leadership roles, over communicating isn’t just recommended – it’s essential. Here are some reasons why it’s just good business sense.
7 Foolproof Strategies for Making a New Fitness Habit Stick
New year, new you. You’re not alone if you want 2024 to be a healthier, more physically fit year. In fact, Forbes reports that improved fitness is the most common New Year’s Resolution, with 48% of surveyed Americans declaring this goal. At the same time, 44% of resolutions fail within two to three months.
9 New Years' Resolutions for Great Leaders
Though some of us groan at the thought of making new years’ resolutions, they can be effective starting points for meaningful life change. When you’re in a leadership position, intentionally improving yourself, your relationships, and your business practices will only help you in your role. Great leaders aren’t born, they’re made.
So, this year, take the steps it takes to mold yourself into the kind of leader you wish to be!
6 Rules for Keeping Your Diet on Track During the Holidays
Decadent pies, irresistible cookies, and mouth-watering sides are commonplace during the holidays. Temptation is everywhere, from grandma’s special recipes to a coworker’s baking experiments. If you try to stick to a healthy diet and fitness routine, the holidays can throw a serious wrench into your plans!
12 Office Gifts Your Team Will Actually Like
8 Requirements Before You Expand Your Entrepreneurial Team
I won’t pretend that entrepreneurship isn’t a scary venture. Most entrepreneurs start alone, sacrificing financial certainties for unknown but promising potential. Regardless of your industry or niche, you want your business to grow. In time, that growth demands that a team. We need other people – people with time, expertise, and passion. But scaling your business isn’t easy – the growing pains are real. Suddenly, it’s not just about your financial future but also your team’s livelihood.
How to Turn Something You Hate Into a New Habit
Forming new habits is never easy. Most of the time, we’re doing it to improve our lives. Maybe it’s exercise, eating habits, or time management. Even when you know this new habit is good for you, you might hate doing it.
The hate leads to reluctance and rebellion if we’re not careful. It’s natural to dislike something challenging or new. But if you constantly resent practicing the new habit you want to form, it will prevent you from making real progress!
8 Ways Business Leaders Show Real Gratitude
As we approach Thanksgiving Day, thinking about the best ways to demonstrate gratitude is natural. For business leaders and entrepreneurs, we have plenty to be grateful for – the hard work of our team, the clients, customers, and stakeholders that put their trust in us, the support from friends and family…the list goes on!